Monday, February 2, 2009

Message for Carley!

Hey Carley.. I think you need to look at this the same way I tell my kids when they stand at the door and see a HUGE MESS and just can't face cleaning there room!

Just take it a little at a time! Don't look at the whole room, because that is too overwhelming! Just take One Corner at a time.. do that..then go to the next..then go to another spot.

Remember.. No Looking around the room at the rest of the mess!! Pretty soon it's DONE!

In other words to apply this to you..

NO LOOKING at the scale at how much you weigh, Just at How Much You have Lost!

Even ONE POUND a week is LOSING Weight!

You need to take EVERYTHING out of your house that is BAD! Sugary Sweets... Chips.. anything that is JUNK! Your kids need to eat the right way too, so they need to get used to healthy snacks too!

Having cookies around the house is bad... so if the kids want cookies, then buy a small bag and have them eat what they are allowed, then have them take the rest out to the neighbor kids! KEEP THEM OUT OF THE HOUSE!! Same goes with anything else like that.

Get baby carrots, apples, oranges, bananas, grapes... YUM! These things are soo yummy! Get wheat crackers...Raw nuts like Almonds or Walnuts. Take a look at the sites I posted for snack ideas!

As soon as you see the weight begin to come off, you'll feel so excited.. that is MY Motivation! Satan tries to get me down if it's only one pound, but a good little spirit is right there to tell me "You're DOING GOOD! Keep it Up! Don't Give Up! Keep Your Goal in Mind!"

Give yourself as many months as you need to lose 2 lbs a week! I gave myself 5 months..until my Bday in May. I'm pretty sure I can do that!

Here is the cool thing for heavier people. The more you weigh, the more calories you burn during excersise! NO FAIR! lol But lets say for example, I run for 15 mins and burn 100 calories.. someone heavier will burn more than me! (I wish I could find that ratio graph!) But I've seen it! Maybe that's why heavier people can lose more weight than smaller ones..they have more to lose, and their muscles have more to deal with making them stronger! SO when they work out they burn more!

So.. I think I know something else for you. I know there are MANY things that you are looking at in your life that needs changing. MAKE A LIST! Don't try to do too much at once!! That is OVERWHELMING!! That's the same as at the beginning of this letter! A kid looking at his Horribly Messy Room and being frustrated at all he has to do! Take it One Step at a Time!

Make that list, and work on one or two things at a time..not the whole list! And Prioritize! Most important first! Your Health is FIRST! A drowning mother cannot save her child while she is drowning! She must get her air she can help her children! Like in an airplane! When they are going over the emergency stuff. They always say the Adult must put his airmask on FIRST then the childs!

A Healthy Happy Mother... nautrally tranfers that to her children! TAKE CARE OF YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Gail! Absolutely right! That is what I am trying to do. I found a great quote from Pres. Monson that said something cool. I had the line appear in bold that I thought was a perfect description of pessimism. Go take a look. It was perfect! He said something like, "distorted prism of pessimism." It was absolutely perfect! People think that a prophet always has to part water to make a difference. It isn't true. I think the smaller counsels are more powerful. "Small and simple things bring great things to pass."

