Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Still at 137~But I'm wearing some smaller pants!

WooHoo! I am wearing some jeans I haven't been able to get over my butt for some time now!! So nice! And they aren't even tight!

Man! I am wanting something yummy to eat so bad! I ave been so good for 5 weeks now and I'm starting to get really ansty to eat something!

I think I need to go and get it out of my system and then get right back to the counting!

Besides.. that second week I went to a pizza joint and didn't over do it, but really enjoyed myself, and the scales were still good to me!

So yeah.. I'll be good!


  1. I say if you want something, get it every now and then just stick to the portion and be satisfied.

  2. Good advise, because if I don't reat myself now and then I'd probably end up binging to some degree!

    I actually have been finding that even if I let say today at the Buffet, I still am very cautious because I don't want to ruin what I have spent 5 weeks getting to!
