Monday, March 23, 2009

Feedback Is Fuel

Feedback Is Fuel

Eating the right foods is just one part of fueling your workouts — the other is all in your head. As you're working your butt off to achieve big results, even if you can't tell a difference, there's the satisfaction of other people noticing.

Positive feedback is great because it gives you added motivation to keep busting your butt. People may not understand your positive lifestyle yet, but you KNOW you're doing something right if they pay you a compliment. So, when your friends and family say you look slimmer (though maybe they still think you're crazy for getting up at 5 a.m. to work out), take that flattering remark and use it as fuel to continue making it to the gym each day. When your co-workers say you're looking re-energized, take that as motivation to say "no, thanks" to that big hunk of chocolate cake they're passing around the office.

Every time someone notices your new lifestyle and attitude, it's a pat on the back that will make you feel awesome. Use that feedback as fuel to stick with it!

Here's what one online teammate had to say about her accomplishments on the Message Boards:

"Ok, so I know it doesn't seem like much but I have lost 8 pounds in exactly 6 days. I am sooooo happy! Now you have to understand that for me this is a big thing. I haven't stuck to a workout in such a long time. And some of the things I do in my workouts are incredible! I never thought I would be able to do chair lifts and so many squats. I am in pain and it feels good! Just wanted to share my happiness with you all. Now I have to work hard this next week so I can pull another great number. I got my sister to join, so I am now officially in battle mode to be the Biggest Loser! Anyone interested in joining? Let me know. And if you have any great weight loss numbers, please...BRAG!" – kikikins

Go ahead and share with her and your other teammates what you done on the Message Boards — get your own feedback as fuel!

Tomorrow's Tip: It's Not Just About Weight Loss

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