Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A New Number Today! 130.6! And Tilly News!

Yep! I saw 130.6! But I feel so yucky because I am having problems the "bathroom" again! So maybe I am actually 130! LOL

My daughter Tennille has New Motivation to Lose her weight and start a New Life! She is learning that she has to make serious life style changes..and she has even been changing her ways of looking at food. That is really KEY!

I will be helping her as much as I can! I have a great blog here to refer too. ;0)


  1. that's dumb... I just deleted to ad my blog link..
    You should ad a link to my blog on your blog. :)

  2. Congrats! To both of you! Sorry I haven't been around much. Been feelin' kinda private lately.
