Thursday, January 22, 2009

Feeling a bit weak..

I have been so tired! I felt really good tuesday, but today I am back to feeling tired. I really am trying to eat more, and in doing so have noticed I have been feeling tugged to eat things I shouldn't. But I have remained On The Wagon! lol (ok.. I had a nibble of Blakes Cheetos yesterday.. but I was more than a good girl!)

I have continued to do my excersise in the morning! I have that going for me. But some days I don't push as hard as others, especially when I am tired.

I even woke up the last two days with Leslie Sansone's Fast 4 Miles Walk DVD music in my head! LOL Too Funny!

Well, I also have to say that I seem to still be losing. I know that if I'd push the workouts more, and even do a little one before bed, I might see faster results, but then I tell myself I gave myself until May to be back down to 125. I'll settle for 130! Right now I'm at 137-138, depending on what my scale feels like saying!

My scale is another issue! It's old and I can step on it 5 times and I'll get 5 diff readings! I need to go out and get a digital scale..but I don't want to put out the $20 bucks! I really need to for my SANITY! LOL

Back to maybe sticking in an extra workout. Ii did that last week, where I did my 30-40 mins of walking in the morning and then a Tae Bo 8 min work out at night..and I felt pretty good. So I need to do that more! Maybe 3 nights a week I should do this to start.

I also have been trying to figure out how to eat good without leaning of the slim fast. I think the SF is the reason I have had some bowel issues the past few days. So I had cherios and peaches for brekfast, and a grilled tuna sandwich for lunch. But those snack attacks are coming harder too! So I need to figure something out!



  1. Prayer is good! Don't forget to listen to your body. When it needs extra rest, it needs extra rest. Pushing it more will only tire it out more. There is a time to push through and a time to listen. Ask Father to help you discern when those times are.

    You sound like you are doing great Gail! Don't be so hard on yourself!

  2. Oh, and listening to your body isn't a weakness.
