Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What Have You Done Today To Make You Feel Proud?!


Today is a new day! Isn't that GREAT!

I started a "diet" the monday before Christmas.. I thought it was a perfect time to test my will! I really did GREAT! But after being on this diet.. (which wasn't a diet at was mearly cutting out sweets and bad stuff).. after 2 weeks and only seeing a 5lb loss, I got discouraged.

Sunday was a binge on the left over kisses day! I got THAT out of my system! Whew!

Then last night was the start of the new Biggest Loser! That Always pumps me up!! So I am ready to start again!!!

This morning I did a 30+ Power Walk DVD.. it's called A Fast 4 Miles..I think. It really is great! My daughter Brittney gave me a copy of it and I recommend it to ANYONE.. especially the people out there that are not cordinated! It is SOOO Simple!! AND Man.. DID I WORK IT TODAY!! It's really hard to get me to sweat for some reason but today was a Super Sweaty Day! LOL

Also..last night I made a really neat poster to help keep me motivated! Along with the dates I'll be weighing in to track my progress! Looks like I have given myself until May. I should be feeling REALLY Good by then! And getting ready to get back into my Summer Clothes that I couldn't wear last year!

Say a little prayer for me!



  1. That's awesome! I'm going to make me a poster to! I'm going to do cut outs from magazines of words and pictures of all the things that I want. (i.e. skinny bride, healthy, runner). :)

    Oh and just so you know. 5lbs in 2 weeks is perfect! you shouldn't loose more then 2 lbs a week for a healthy weight loss. And remember to do CORE exercising for a flat tummy. Not cruches and stuff because if you work your core, then you'll lose inches around your waist better.

    Oh, and can you send me a DVD of that power walk? The copy that was put on my lappy was bad. I couldn't get it to work.!

    OH! AND I have a present I'm sending you in the mail. It will help you with your goals! Trust me, you'll LOVE it!

  2. ok, I can't edit my comment? I ment "Not just cruches" because those are good to. but those just work your Rectus Abdominus muscle. That's good to get a stronger muscle to help with your posture I'm sure.

    Anyway, go pick up the latest Weight Watcers Magazine because it has a good explination about it and an 8 week program for "whittling your Waist". I think it's page 70?

  3. Sweet! I actually saw Brittney's WW mag and she said I could have it.. so WooHoo! I forgot about I am going to go get it right now!

    Now I get to watch my mail! Fun! Thanks Tilly.. Muah!
