Sunday, January 25, 2009

WooHoo 10 lbs Lost as of Today!


The next 12 are going to be hard. I really have been searching for information that I soon will share here. I found some great articles about when to eat and what to eat. Wait! Maybe I did share that! lol

Anyhoo.. I'm excited! Because I will NOT give up!

I have given myself until my Bday in May to do this..and if I keep at the pace I am going it will be off by April 19th (12 more weeks). That's a month early.

In the meantime, I need to figure out how to eat healthy and not depend on the SlimFast.

I have to say that I AM learning about stuff and have been really searching for answers on food and what types of excersise to get reid of the belly and thighs..among other places! lol

1 comment:

  1. My favorite thing ever that I feel satisfied with and stuff is a body type diet. You eat 5-6 small meals a day. For me for example, you get up in the morning and have 3 egg whites, a fruit, and either a serving of oatmeal or a potato. Mid-morning you have 3 more egg whites and a potato. Lunch you have a lean meat like a portion of chicken breast, potato, and a vegetable or salad. All portioned of course. Then mid-afternoon you have a lean meat and a potato. Dinner is similar to lunch. For dinner you have a portion of meat and a fruit. I am satisfied and feel great! You drink water all day long and a multi-vitamin is recommended. I like the women's multi-packs from vitamin world myself.

    My opposition: sticking to it through the unscheduled demands of baby though baby is 1 year old. She always needs me when I need to pee or prepare food. I can prepare food ahead of time to a point. Some of them, like potato and egg white, I like to make at the time I eat it so it is fresh. So, welcome to my world! lol

    Keep up the good work!
